Using scooters is a great way of turning exercise into a family adventure.

We’ve teamed up with Micro Scooters and put together a list of 10 games you can do together as a family when you go out.

They will hopefully turn your fresh air moments into an unforgettable (and fun) scooting adventure the whole family can enjoy.

1. Scooting alphabet game

As you scoot along keep your eyes peeled for nature’s treasures starting with every letter in the alphabet. A for ant, b for branch, c for caterpillar… A bit like ‘I spy’ on wheels!

2. Something funny just scooted past

Perfect for a tandem scoot! The first person thinks of something, saying “I just saw something funny scoot past”. The second player has 20 questions to work out what it might be, while the first person answers with yes or no. From a unicorn to Grandpa Joe, the more obscure the answer the funnier the game.

3. When lockdown is over I will scoot to the seaside and take with me…

Both players should come up with their own answers, while remembering the previous ones: “I scooted to the seaside and took with me a bucket, two spades, three ice creams…” The destination of the game can be amended to suit the audience. If the seaside doesn’t appeal try the moon, the zoo or grandma’s house!

4. Scoot-association

Exactly the same as word association, but on two or (three) wheels!

5. True or false

One player has to describe something obscure that happened to them. A funny fact or random mishap? You decide.

6. The incredible scooting storyteller

Take turns adding sentences to a story about an adventure you would like to go on when lockdown is lifted. Let your imagination run wild. “When lockdown is lifted I want to scoot to the…”

7. Topsy turvy ‘I spy’

The first player spots something and says “I spy with my little eye…”. Whilst scooting, the second player has to look for said object and confirms where they see it.

8. Alphabetically speaking

Each player must take turns with ideas that start with the next letter in the alphabet. “After our scoot, what shall we do when we get home? Ballet dancing? Cartwheeling? Doodling?”

9. Yes and No game

Everybody’s favourite, it’s ace on a scooter.

10. Number skip

At the start of the game, agree on a number or two that shouldn’t be spoken. Take turns to count and when you get to that number you need to skip it or you’re out. Great for times tables practice when the little ones are a bit older!

We hope these games help to make each trip outside the house a new adventure!

Also, be sure to check out the full range of Micro scooters that are available on There’s a perfect scooter model for every age, from young toddlers up to adults.